English Grammar. Prepositions & Linking Words

English Grammar. Prepositions & Linking Words . With Keys. Предлоги и союзы

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Автор: Татьяна Дроздова

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Антология

Год: 2010

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

ISBN: 978-5-94962-091-5

Страниц: 112

Артикул: 58164

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

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Краткая аннотация книги "English Grammar. Prepositions & Linking Words"

В пособии содержится информация об употреблении предлогов и союзов в английском языке. Упражнения с ключами способствуют закреплению материала. Раздел, посвященный смысловому и эмоциональному выделению различных частей предложения, необходим для создания живой речи.

Содержание книги "English Grammar. Prepositions & Linking Words"

1. Definition
2. Prepositions of Place
2.1. Preposition of Place At, In, On
3. Prepositions of Direction
3.1. Moving in Space
4. Some Prepositions Confused
5. Revision
6. Prepositions with Forms of Transport
7. The Prepositions of Time
7.1. Prepositions For, During, While
7.2. Prepositions Before, Till/Until, By
7.3. Prepositions Since, From, In time/On time
8. Prepositions Expressing Abstract Relations
8.1. Prepositions By, With
8.2. As and Like
8.3. About, On
9. Composite Prepositions
10. Revision
11. The Use of Prepositions in Set Expressions
12. Tests
The Compound Sentence
The Complex Sentence
1. Subject Clauses
2. Predicative Clauses
3. Object Clauses
4. Attributive Clauses
4.1. Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses
4.2. Subject and Object Relative Clauses
4.3 Which Referring to the Whole Sentence
4.4. Clauses Introduced by What, That, Which
5. Adverbial Clauses
5.1. Time Clauses
5.2. Adverbial Clauses of Place
5.3. Adverbial Clauses of Manner
5.4 Purpose and Reason Clauses
5.5 As and Since in the Clauses of Time and Cause (Reason)
5.6 Contrast Clauses
1. The Emphatic Do
2. Double Negation
3. The Emphatic Construction "It is ... That, Which, Who, Whom"
4. The Emphatic Construction "It is not Until ... That"
5. The Emphatic "Not ... Till/Until"
Translate these Complex Sentences into Russian
Appendix 1. Prepositions and Homonymous Adverbs. The Meaning and Use
Appendix 2. Some Verbs Used with Prepositions
Appendix 3. The List of Verbs Used with Prepositions
Appendix 4. The Compound Sentence. Conjunctions and Connectives
Appendix 5. The Complex Sentence. Conjunctions and Connectives
The Keys

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Отрывок из книги English Grammar. Prepositions & Linking Words . With Keys. Предлоги и союзы

4. SOME PREPOSITIONS CONFUSED BETWEEN A N D A M O N G Between is used for two people or things, among - for more than two. Between is also used w h e n the speaker sees the surrounding objects separatly, there are not very many of t h e m , and each one is clearly distinct f r o m the other: • Switzerland lies between France, Italy, Austria and Germany. W o r d s like divide and share are followed by between w h e n we use several singular nouns: • He shared his property between his wife, his daughter and his sister. • I divide my time between teaching, writing and gardening. EXERCISE Ex. 1 4 . (A, B) Select the proper preposition. The fleeing animal w a s soon lost ( b e t w e e n / a m o n g ) the trees. 2. The three hikers couldn't divide their scanty (скудный) meal (between/among) t h e m . 3. "May misunderstanding never c o m e (between/among) us," said the bride to her husband. 4. (Between/among) the Indians on the one hand, and starvation on the other, the early settlers had the bad time of it. 5. ( B e t w e e n / a m o n g ) all the days of the days of the week, I like Saturday best. 6. Don't smoke (between/among) the courses. Beside means "alongside of, at the side of". Besides means "in addition t o " , or plus (+). Except means "excluding", or minus (-). Besides can also be an adverb and act in the sentence as a parenthesis, which is separated by c o m m a s : • I haven't the time, and b e s i d e s , I a m not interested. • W e sat b e s i d e the water. • I haven't any other living relations b e s i d e s this cousin of mine. • They are all relatives of mine e x c e p t Olivia. EXERCISES Ex. 1 5 . (A, B) Select the proper preposition f r o m the brackets. 1. The d o g sat (besides/beside) his master. 2. They f o u n d n o b o d y in the house (besides/beside) the caretaker. 3. (Besides/beside) the lake grew beautiful wild daffodils. 4. How many people (except/besides) y o u are going to the g a m e ? BESIDE, BESIDES A N D E...

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