Develop Your Reading Skills. Comprehention and Translation Practice

Develop Your Reading Skills. Comprehention and Translation Practice = Обучение чтению и переводу (английский язык)

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Автор: Ольга Сиполс

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: ФЛИНТА

Год: 2023

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-89349-953-7

Страниц: 333

Артикул: 11346

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Develop Your Reading Skills. Comprehention and Translation Practice"

Основной целью пособия является развитие и совершенствование навыков чтения и понимания оригинальных текстов на английском языке. Первая часть пособия посвящена формированию умения узнавания в тексте лексических единиц и грамматических структур и перевода их на русский язык, во второй представлены обучающие тесты, которые предназначены для развития и контроля навыков беспереводного чтения и понимания текста. Для студентов, аспирантов и преподавателей высших учебных заведений, а также всех изучающих английский язык.

Содержание книги "Develop Your Reading Skills. Comprehention and Translation Practice"

Предисловие 6 От автора
Part I: Vocabulary and grammar practice
Chapter one
Unit 1. Text: Encyclopedias
Grammar: Present Simple Active, there is/are, Articles
Unit 2. Texts: 1. Adrenalin, 2. The Jutes, the Saxons and the Angles
Grammar: Past and Future Simple Active
Unit 3. Text: Stem Cells
Grammar: Past Participles, Ellipsis
Unit 4. Text: Van Gogh
Grammar: Present Participles
Unit 5. Text: The Gene of Speech
Grammar: Modal verbs: may, can/be able to, must
Unit 6. Text: Man and the Environment
Grammar: Progressive, Perfect and Perfect Progressive Active, Model verbs: to have to
Unit 7. Text: History of Universities
Grammar: Present, Past and Future Simple Passive
Unit 8. Text: A Sophisticated Evaporation Scheme
Grammar: Present, Past and Future Progressive Passive, the Infinitive: Indication of Purpose
Unit 9. Text: Areas of Study
Grammar: The Passive Voice: Difficult Cases
Unit 10. Text: Smallpox
Grammar: Present, Past and Future Perfect Passive, Passive structures with the impersonal 'it', Conditional Clauses, Negation
Unit 11. Text: The Ancestry of Birds
Grammar: Perfect Infinitives after some reporting verbs
Unit 12. Text: Scientific Research
Academic style
Unit 13. Text: Global Warming
Avoiding noun repetition
Unit 14. Text: DNA to Unravel the History of Humans
Grammar: '-ing' Forms
Unit 15. Text: Where Do We Come From
Grammar: Participle Clauses with their own subject
Unit 16. Texts: 1. Gene Therapy, 2. The Human Genome, 3. Climate Change Impact
Grammar: Gerunds, the Infinitive construction 'subject + verb + infinitive', the ... the construction, Negation, Model verbs: will/would
Unit 17. Text: Concrete
Grammar: the Infinitive construction 'subject + verb + noun/pronoun +infinitive'
Chapter two
Unit 18. Text: MyGrid Computer System
Grammar: 'To'- infinitive as the subject, Model verbs: should
Unit 19. Text: Communication Satellites
Grammar: 'To'- infinitive after nouns, Gerunds: construction 'subject + verb + noun/pronoun + gerund'
Unit 20. Text: Death Penalty
Grammar: 'For'- phrase: 'for + noun/pronoun + infinitive'
Unit 21. Texts: 1. Climate Change in Europe, 2. Water and the Earth
Grammar: Model verbs: will/would + Present and Perfect Infinitive, can/could, may/might + Perfect Infinitive, should + Perfect Infinitive, must + Perfect Infinitive, Result Clauses, Infinitives of the verbs 'to give, to form, to make, to produce, to yield' as a connective link
Unit 22. Text: What Influences Success in Higher Education
Grammar: Conditional clauses, Functions of 'would'
Unit 23. Texts: 1. History Teaching in Britain, 2. Symbolic language
Grammar: 'Should' in subordinate clauses, Functions of' 'should', Model verbs: to be to
Unit 24. Texts: 1. Sedimentary Rocks, 2. Language and Thinking
Grammar: Emphasis: Cleft sentences
Unit 25. Text: Problems of Garbage Disposal in Britain
Grammar: Emphasis: 'do' before verbs, Functions of 'do'
Unit 26. Texts: 1. Languages, 2. Water, 3. Governments and Companies, 4. Ethics and Archaeology
Grammar: Inversion, Concessive clauses, 'what' in noun clauses as subject
Unit 27. Text: Ecobalance 212 Grammar: Inversion
Part II: Comprehension practice
Practice test 1: Education 221
Practice test 2: Computer Technology
Practice test 3: Genetic Engineering
Practice test 4: Man and Nature
Practice test 5: Ecology
Practice test 6: Historical Wonders
Practice test 7: Physiology and Diseases
Practice test 8: Language
Practice test 9: Political, Social and Economic Issues
Practice test 10: Unusual Things
Practice test 11: Arts
Practice test 12: Culture
Practice test 13: Some Theoretical Issues and Scientific Discoveries
Grammar index

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Отрывок из книги Develop Your Reading Skills. Comprehention and Translation Practice

26 Task 3. Learn to distinguish homonyms. Translate the following sentences trying to understand what part of speech the underlined words are: (Учитесь распознавать омонимы. Определите, какой частью речи являются подчеркнутые слова в следующих предложениях, а затем переведите их на русский язык:) 1. We often move from London to Paris. 2. One wrong move can lead to war. 3. They published their first results. 4. This action usually results in tragedy. 5. He experiments successfully on the plants. 6. Sometimes the temperature reaches high levels during the experiments they carry out. 7. The law levels all people in their rights. 8. He usually repeats an experiment over and over again and subjects the results to statistical analysis. 9. We define academic subjects more specifically. 3. CONNECTIVES (Соединительные слова) Connecting (or linking) words and phrases show the relationship between parts of a sentence, different sentences and even different parts of a text. It is important to know how the facts and ideas which compose the text are linked to understand the meaning of the text in detail. (Соединительные слова и выражения имеют важное значение для понимания текста, поскольку они определяют смысловую связь между отдельными частями предложения, между самими предложениями, а также отдельными частями всего текста) Learn the following linking phrases and adverbs of result: (Запомните следующие соединительные фразы и наречия, указывающие на результативность действия:) as a result - в результате accordingly - таким образом with the result that - в результате чего consequently - следовательно, в результате so - итак, в таком случае thus - следовательно, итак therefore - вследствие этого hence - следовательно, в результате Remember also some commonly used conjunctions: (Запомните также союзы, которые часто встречаются в письменной речи:) if/even if - если/даже если s...

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