The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998935459
Страниц: 678
Артикул: 12051
Содержание книги "The Expedition of Humphry Clinker "
Volume 1
To Mr. Henry Davis, Bookseller, in London
To the Revd. Mr. Jonathan Dustwich, at --
To Dr. Lewis
To Mrs. Gwyllim, house-keeper at Brambleton-hall
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Mrs. Jermyn, at her house in Gloucester
To Miss Lжtitia Willis, at Gloucester
To Dr. Lewis
To Miss Lydia Melford
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Miss Letty Willis, at Gloucester
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Miss Willis, at Gloucester
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Mrs. Gwyllim, house-keeper at Brambleton-hall
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Miss Lжtitia Willis, at Gloucester
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart., of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Miss Lжtitia Willis, at Gloucester
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
Volume 2
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart., of Jesus college, Oxon
To Miss Lжtitia Willis, at Gloucester
To Sir Watkin Phillips, of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall, etc
To Mrs. Gwyllim, house-keeper at Brambleton-hall
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. at Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
Volume 3
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Dr. Lewis
To Miss Lжtitia Willis, at Gloucester
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. at Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Mrs. Gwyllim, house-keeper at Brambleton-hall
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. at Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. at Oxon
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Miss Lжtitia Willis, at Gloucester
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. of Jesus college, Oxon
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. at Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. at Oxon
To Miss Lжtitia Willis at Gloucester
To Mrs. Jermyn, at her house in Gloucester
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
To Dr. Lewis
To Sir Watkin Phillips, Bart. at Oxon
To Dr. Lewis
To Mrs. Gwyllim, at Brambleton-hall
To Mrs. Mary Jones, at Brambleton-hall
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