Poems 1814-1816. The Lament of Tasso
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998954597
Страниц: 101
Артикул: 11684
Содержание книги "Poems 1814-1816. The Lament of Tasso "
Poems 1814-1816
Farewell! If Ever Fondest Prayer
When We Two Parted
[Love and Gold]
Stanzas for Music
Address Intended to Be Recited at the Caledonian Meeting
Elegiac Stanzas on the Death of Sir Peter Parker, Bart
Julian [A Fragment]
To Belshazzar
Stanzas for Music
On the Death of the Duke of Dorset
Stanzas for Music
Napoleon's Farewell
From the French
Ode from the French
Stanzas for Music
On the Star of »The Legion of Honour«
Stanzas for Music
The Dream
Churchill's Grave
A Fragment
Sonnet to Lake Leman
Stanzas to Augusta
Epistle to Augusta
Lines on Hearing that Lady Byron Was Ill
Monody on the Death of the Right Hon. R.B. Sheridan
The Lament of Tasso
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