Miscellaneous Poems
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998932878
Страниц: 137
Артикул: 11708
Содержание книги "Miscellaneous Poems "
Eros aei lalndros etairos
Alice Du Clos, Or the Forked Tongue. A Ballad
The Knight's Tomb
Hymn to the Earth
Catullian Hendecasyllables
Duty Surviving Self-Love
Phantom or Fact?
Work Without Hope
Youth and Age
A Day Dream
First Advent of Love
Love and Friendship Opposite
Not at Home
To a Lady
[I Have Heard of Reasons Manifold]
Lines Suggested by the Last Words of Berengarius
Sancti Dominici Pallium
The Devil's Thoughts
The Two Round Spaces on the Tombstone
Lines To a Comic Author, on an Abusive Review
Constancy to an Ideal Object
The Suicide's Argument
The Blossoming of the Solitary Date-Tree. A Lament
From the German
Fancy in Nubibus
The Two Founts
The Wanderings of Cain
Allegoric Vision
The Improvisatore
The Garden of Boccaccio
On a Cataract
Love, Hope, and Patience in Education
Love's Apparition and Evanishment
A Character
The Reproof and Reply
Cholera Cured Before Hand
On My Joyful Departure from the Same City
Written in an Album
To the Author of the Ancient Mariner
Metrical Feet. Lesson for a Boy
The Homeric Hexameter Described and Exemplified
The Ovidian Elegiac Metre Described and Exemplified
To the Young Artist, Kayser of Kaserwerth
Job's Luck
On a Volunteer Singer
On an Insignificant
Profuse Kindness
Charity in Thought
Humility the Mother of Charity
On an Infant Which Died Before Baptism
Gnoti seayton! -
Gently I took that which ungently came
My Baptismal Birth-Day
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