The Forest. Ungathered Verse

The Forest. Ungathered Verse

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Автор: Ben Jonson

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2003

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 9785998954764

Страниц: 127

Артикул: 11847

Электронная книга

Содержание книги "The Forest. Ungathered Verse "

The Forest
Why I Write Not of Love
To Penshurst
To Sir Robert Wroth
To the World
Song To Celia
To the Same
Song That Women Are but Men's Shadows
To Sickness
Song To Celia
[And must I sing? What subject shall I choose?]
Epistle To Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland
Epistle To Katherine, Lady Aubigny
Ode To Sir William Sidney, on His Birthday
To Heaven
Ungathered Verse
om Thomas Palmer's The Sprite of Trees and Herbs, 1598-9
From Nicholas Breton's Melancholic Humours, 1600 In Authorem
Fragments from England's Parnassus, 1600
From Love's Martyr, 1601 The Phoenix Analysed
From Love's Martyr, 1601 Ode entoysiastike
From Pancharis, 1603 Ode allngorike
From Thomas Wright's The Passions of the Mind in General, 1604 To the Author
From The Faithful Shepherdess To the Worthy Author, Mr. John Fletcher
Epitaph on Cecilia Bulstrode
From Coryate's Crudities, 1611 Certain Opening and Drawing Distichs
From Coryate's Crudities ...To the Right Noble Tom
From Coryate's Crambe, 1611 Certain Verses Written upon Coryate's Crudities
A Speech Presented unto King James at a Tilting
From Cynthia's Revenge, or Menander's Ecstacy, 1613
To the Most Noble, and Above His Titles, Robert, Earl of Somerset
From The Ghost of Richard the Third, 1614
From The Husband, 1614 to the Worthy Author, on The Husband
From Britannia's Pastorals, The Second Book
Charles Cavendish to His Posterity
From George Chapman's The Georgics of Hesiod, 1618
From The Rogue, 1622 On the Author, Work, and Translator
From Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies
From Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies
To the Memory of That Most Honoured Lady Jane
From Lucan's Pharsalia, 1627
From The Battle of Agincourt, 1627
Epitaph on Katherine, Lady Ogle
From Bosworth Field, 1629
From French Court Airs, 1629
An Expostulation with Inigo Jones
To Inigo, Marquis Would-Be A Corollary
To a Friend An Epigram of Him
To My Detractor
From The Northern Lass, 1632 To My Old Faithful Servant... Mr. Richard Brome
An Answer to Alexander Gill
From Meditation of Man's Mortality, 1634
From The Female Glory, 1635 The Garland of the Blessed Virgin Marie
From The Shepherds' Holiday, 1635
From Annalia Dubrensia, 1635
A Song of Welcome to King Charles
A Song of the Moon
To Mr. Ben Jonson in His Journey by Mr. Craven
A Grace by Ben Jonson Extempore before King James
An Epistle to a Friend
A Speech out of Lucan

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