Le Morte DArthur
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998934452
Страниц: 1578
Артикул: 11889
Содержание книги "Le Morte DArthur "
Caxton's Preface
The Tale of King Arthur
1. Merlin
2. Balyn le Sauvage or the Knight With the Two Swords
3. Torre and Pellinor
4. The Death of Merlin and the War With the Five Kings
5. Arthur and Accolon
6. Gawain, Ywain, and Marhalt
The Tale of the Noble King Arthur
The Noble Tale of Sir Launcelot du Lake
The Tale of Sir Gareth of Orkney
The Book of Sir Tristram de Lyones
1. Isode the Fair
2. Lamerok de Galys
3. La Cote Male Tayle
4. Tristram's Madness and Exile
5. The Castle of Maidens
6. The Round Table
7. King Mark
8. Alexander the Orphan
9. The Tournament at Surluse
10. Joyous Gard
11. The Red City
12. The Tournament at Lonezep
13. Sir Palomides
14. Launcelot and Elaine
15. Conclusion
The Tale of the Sankgreal
1. The Departure
2. The Miracles
3. Sir Perceval
4. Sir Launcelot
5. Sir Gawain
6. Sir Bors
7. Sir Galahad
8. The Castle of Corbenic
9. The Miracle of Galahad
The Book of Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere
1. The Poisoned Apple
2. The Fair Maid of Astolat
3. The Great Tournament
4. The Kinght of the Cart
5. The Healing of Sir Urry
The Most Piteous Tale of the Morte Arthur Saunz Guerdon
1. Slander and Strife
2. The Vengeance of Sir Gawain
3. The Siege of Benwick
4. The Day of Destiny
5. The Dolorous Death and Departing Out of This World of Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere
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