Ecclesiastical Sonnets
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998936272
Страниц: 133
Артикул: 12146
Содержание книги "Ecclesiastical Sonnets "
Part 1
1. Introduction
2. Conjectures
3. Trepidation of the Druids
4. Druidical Excommunication
5. Uncertainty
6. Persecution
7. Recovery
8. Temptations from Roman Refinements
9. Dissensions
10. Struggle of the Britons Against the Barbarians
11. Saxon Conquest
12. Monastery of Old Bangor
13. Casual Incitement
14. Glad Tidings
15. Paulinus
16. Persuasion
17. Conversion
18. Apology
19. Primitive Saxon Clergy
20. Other Influences
21. Seclusion
22. Continued
23. Reproof
24. Saxon Monasteries, and Lights and Shades of the Religion
25. Missions and Travels
26. Alfred
27. His Descendants
28. Influence Abused
29. Danish Conquests
30. Canute
31. The Norman Conquest
32. [Coldly we spake. The Saxons, overpowered]
33. The Council of Clermont
34. Crusades
35. Richard I
36. An Interdict
37. Papal Abuses
38. Scene in Venice
39. Papal Dominion
Part 2
1. [How soon - alas! did Man, created pure -]
2. [From false assumption rose, and fondly hail'd]
3. Cistertian Monastery
4. [Deplorable his lot who tills the ground]
5. Monks and Schoolmen
6. Other Benefits
7. Continued
8. Crusaders
9. [As faith thus sanctified the warrior's crest]
10. [Where long and deeply hath been fixed the root]
11. Transubstantiation
12. The Vaudois
13. [Praised be the Rivers, from their mountain springs]
14. Waldenses
15. Archbishop Chicheley to Henry V
16. Wars of York and Lancaster
17. Wicliffe
18. Corruptions of the Higher Clergy
19. Abuse of Monastic Power
20. Monastic Voluptuousness
21. Dissolution of the Monasteries
22. The Same Subject
23. Continued
24. Saints
25. The Virgin
26. Apology
27. Imaginative Regrets
28. Reflections
29. Translation of the Bible
30. The Point at Issue
31. Edward VI
32. Edward Signing the Warrant for the Execution of Joan of Kent
33. Revival of Popery
34. Latimer and Ridley
35. Cranmer
36. General View of the Troubles of the Reformation
37. English Reformers in Exile
38. Elizabeth
39. Eminent Reformers
40. The Same
41. Distractions
42. Gunpowder Plot
43. Illustration the Jung-Frau and the Fall of the Rhine Near Schaffhausen
44. Troubles of Charles the First
45. Laud
46. Afflictions of England
Part 3
1. [I saw the figure of a lovely Maid]
2. Patriotic Sympathies
3. Charles the Second
4. Latitudinarianism
5. Walton's Book of Lives
6. Clerical Integrity
7. Persecution of the Scottish Covenanters
8. Acquittal of the Bishops
9. William the Third
10. Obligations of Civil to Religious Liberty
11. Sacheverel
12. [Down a swift Stream, thus far, a bold design]
13. Aspects of Christianity in America, I
14. Aspects of Christianity in America, II
15. Aspects of Christianity in America, III
16. [Bishops and Priests, blessиd are ye, if deep]
17. Places of Worship
18. Pastoral Character
19. The Liturgy
20. Baptism
21. Sponsors
22. Catechising
23. Confirmation
24. Confirmation Continued
25. Sacrament
26. The Marriage Ceremony
27. Thanksgiving after Childbirth
28. Visitation of the Sick
29. The Commination Service
30. Forms of Prayer at Sea
31. Funeral Service
32. Rural Ceremony
33. Regrets
34. Mutability
35. Old Abbeys
36. Emigrant French Clergy
37. Congratulation
38. New Churches
39. Church to Be Erected
40. Church to Be Erected, Continued
41. New Church-Yard
42. Cathedrals, etc
43. Inside of King's College Chapel, Cambridge
44. The Same
45. Continued
46. Ejaculation
47. Conclusion
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