Четыре классика американской литературы (Марк Твен, Джек Лондон, Теодор Драйзер, Эрнест Хемингуэй) = Four classics of American literature (Mark Twain, Jack London, Theodore Dreiser, Ernest Hemingway)
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Место издания: Тюмень
ISBN: 978-5-400-00617-3
Страниц: 124
Артикул: 75335
Возрастная маркировка: 16+
Краткая аннотация книги "Четыре классика американской литературы (Марк Твен, Джек Лондон, Теодор Драйзер, Эрнест Хемингуэй)"
Учебное пособие состоит из предисловия, пяти глав, четыре из которых посвящены анализу творчества американских писателей первой половины ХХ века: М. Твена, Дж. Лондона, Т. Драйзера и Э. Хемингуэя.
В пятой главе дана обзорная характеристика своеобразия литературы США ХХ столетия. Каждая глава начинается лекцией автора пособия и сопровождается отрывками из оригинальных текстов. Кроме того, даны вопросы, задания для самостоятельной работы студентов, небольшие словари и список использованной литературы. Книга написана на английском языке и предназначена для студентов направления 03100.62 «Зарубежная филология (английский язык и литература)» и всех, кого интересует американская литературная классика.
Содержание книги "Четыре классика американской литературы (Марк Твен, Джек Лондон, Теодор Драйзер, Эрнест Хемингуэй) "
Mark Twain
Jack London
Theodore Dreiser
Ernest Hemingway
General Characteristics of the American literature of 20-th century (first part)
Все отзывы о книге Четыре классика американской литературы (Марк Твен, Джек Лондон, Теодор Драйзер, Эрнест Хемингуэй)
Отрывок из книги Четыре классика американской литературы (Марк Твен, Джек Лондон, Теодор Драйзер, Эрнест Хемингуэй)
121mund Freud had uncovered in subconscious mind unsocial and irrational impulses, especially in matters pertaining to sex. Young novelists and playwrights thought that Freud had given them the key to the mysteries of human behavior.Some american investigators consider the year of 1922 the turning point in american literary history. it was the year of Sinclair lewis’s “Babbit”, of Scott Fitzgerald’s “tales of the Jazz age”, of James Joyce’s “ulysses” and of J. S. eliot’s “the Waste land”.the socialist ideas had great influence on the activities of the group of the american writers, named “muckraking”. one of them was lincoln Steffens (1866�1936). he wrote such books, as “the Shame of the cit�ies”, 1904, “the Struggle for Self�Government”, 1906, “lincoln Steffens Speaking”, 1936, “autobiogaphy” (1931) and ets.the new poetry made its way slowly. the diction and the subject matter of Sandburg and Frost were not to the taste of the editors of quality magazines. many young poets first saw their poems in print in the “little magazines” of which there were scores in every part of the country.there were many poetry societies, and their members were eager to see and hear the new poets. on the lecture platform Vachel lindsay, carl Sandburg, robert Frost and amy lowell were able to interest hundreds of college students in the strangle new poetry.the popular vogue of the new poetry was short�lived. Few bothered to read the poems of Wallace Stewens, ezra Pound, or — until he published “the Waste land” in 1922 — t. S. eliot. these and other poets seemed for the most part to be writing their poems for the few who understood their language.the new fiction found many more readers than the new poetry ever had, but theodore Dreiser, the pioneer, who published “Sister carrie” in 1900, was not widely read or acclaimed until he brought out “an american tragedy” a quarter of a century later.m. twain, J. london, t. Dreiser and e. hemingway were among the writers who laid the ...
Сушкова В. Н. другие книги автора
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