Строительные материалы = Bilding materials
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Форматы: PDF
Издательство: Северо-Кавказский Федеральный университет (СКФУ)
Год: 2019
Место издания: Ставрополь
Страниц: 124
Артикул: 77315
Возрастная маркировка: 16+
Краткая аннотация книги "Строительные материалы"
В пособии (лабораторном практикуме) представлены лабораторные работы по строительным материалам, которые предусматривают определение основных физических, механических, технологических свойств органических и неорганических строительных материалов. Предназначено для самостоятельной работы бакалавров направления «Строительство» профилей «Промышленное и гражданское строительство», «Городское строительство и хозяйство», «Теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция».
Содержание книги "Строительные материалы : учебное пособие (лабораторный практикум)"
Laboratory work № 1. Determination of the physical properties of building materials
Laboratory work № 2. Mechanical properties of structural materials
Laboratory work № 3. Walled piece materials
Laboratory work № 4. Determination of physic-mechanical properties of Portland cement
Laboratory work № 5. Concrete mixes
Laboratory work № 6. Hydro physical properties of concrete
Laboratory work № 7. Strength of concrete. Classes and brands of concretes
Laboratory work № 8. Organic binders
Annex 1
Все отзывы о книге Строительные материалы : учебное пособие (лабораторный практикум)
Отрывок из книги Строительные материалы : учебное пособие (лабораторный практикум)
LABORATORY WORK№ 5 LABORATORY WORK № 5 CONCRETE MIXES 1. OBJECTIVE Preparation and properties of concrete: workability, stiffness, medium density, peel ability. Knowledge, skills and possessions acquired by students as a result of mastering the topic, within the framework of the formed competencies: Knowledge, skills and possessions acquired by students as a result of mastering the topic, within the framework of the formed competencies Forming competences to know: SSC-13, SSC-15 the basic tendencies of development of manufacture of building materials and designs in the conditions of the market and methods of increase of competitiveness; the fundamentals of chemistry and chemical processes, the properties of basic chemical elements and their compounds constituting the basis of building materials; composition, structure and properties of building materials to know: SSC-8, SSC-15 influence of the quality of materials on the durability and reliability of building structures, methods of protecting them from various types of corrosion; measures to protect the environment and create environmentally friendly materials, work safely in the manufacture and use of materials and products to be able: SSC-13, SSC-15 analyze the environmental impact conditions on materials in structures and structures, using normative documents, determine the degree of aggressiveness of the environment for the choice of materials; choose the appropriate material for structures operating under specified operating conditions, using a variant estimation method to be able: SSC-8, SSC-15 to establish the requirements for the materials according to their designation, manufacturability, physical and mechanical properties, durability, reliability, competitiveness and other indicators in accordance with the normative documents and the properties of the structures in which they are used taking into account the operating conditions of structures - 6 5 -
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