Английский язык в профессиональной сфере для ветеринаров

Английский язык в профессиональной сфере для ветеринаров

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Автор: Ирина Щербакова

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2024

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-4499-4021-6

Страниц: 64

Артикул: 105246

Возрастная маркировка: 12+

Печатная книга
Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 03.04.2025
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Краткая аннотация книги "Английский язык в профессиональной сфере для ветеринаров"

Содержит теоретический материал для реферирования и упражнения, включает практические работы по реферированию статей, взятых из аутентичных источников и изданий. Рассчитано на обучающихся среднего профессионального образования, изучающих английский язык в профессиональной сфере. Раскрывает специфику содержания учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык в профессиональной сфере (английский)».

Содержание книги "Английский язык в профессиональной сфере для ветеринаров "

Part 1. Реферирование статьи на английском языке
Практические упражнения
Article 1. “Relentless calls and constant abuse”: why britain’s vets are in crisis
Article 2. Nearly 70% of veterinarians have lost a colleague or peer to suicide, study finds
Article 3. How training dogs to chase bears might just save a grizzly or two
Article 4. What’s the difference between a baby and a puppy? I know how to behave when friends get a baby
Article 5. Family of uk woman who lost finger in dog attack critical of police response
Article 6. Tenants and shelters in england hail bill allowing private renters to keep pets
Article 7. Dog rescued after scaling england’s highest mountain
Article 8. “This is a real moment”: netflix series cements rise of welsh language drama
Article 9. Elton john review — cheers, tears and a stairlift to heaven
Article 10. “we did top of the pops with a track made in our kitchen”: how speed garage revved up club culture
Article 11. Jackdaws ditch friends to gain food but stick with family, study finds
Article 12. There are so many feral cats in this country right now they outnumber ministerial photo ops!
Article 13. Suella braverman pushes for ban on american bully xls after attack
Article 14. First cat in space: how a parisian stray called felicette was blasted far from earth
Article 15. Sponge v comb jellies: which was evolution’s first trailblazer
Article 16. “they have you over a barrel”: the uk pet owners facing staggering vet bills
Article 17. Social media platforms to face £18m fines for publishing animal cruelty content
Article 18. Humanised kidneys grown inside pigs for the first time
Article 19. Grizzly bear that mauled woman in july killed after breaking into montana home
Article 20. “Not scared about our life”: sailor rescued from catamaran reveals he had been attacked by sharks before
Article 22. Biscuit the 100-year-old tortoise reunited with us owner after canal rescue
Part 2. Тексты для чтения и перевода
Практические упражнения
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Отрывок из книги Английский язык в профессиональной сфере для ветеринаров

15 I meant at all. I was thinking more, have some Frazzles, hug the dog, hug the older dog so it didn’t feel left out, do that a few more times, then go for a walk. The etiquette is the opposite of new-baby rules: you have to think of some things to talk about that aren’t the dog. You shouldn’t really make minute-by-minute observations about the activities of the dog, or speculate about its feelings, or hypoth-esise about the extent of its consciousness or comprehension. Its owners have already had these conversations; they were hoping you would arrive with something new. If they do take you out for a walk, and you pass some other people on a beautiful early summer’s day, and they stop to pet the new dog because, let’s face it, it’s so small, it’s bad form to pretend the dog is yours by making proprieto-rial statements such as: “Yes, she does have a lovely nature, thank you for notic-ing”, and: “Yes, this is her dad, but look how different they are in colouring.” I don’t know why it’s so wrong, but it is, and I knew that when I was doing it. If the dog is extremely small, being both a miniature version of an already small breed and three months old, and you are used to a larger-boned canine, take extra care not to tread on the dog. Know when to leave — it’s easy with a baby: you leave when it starts crying. If you wait for a puppy to start getting on your nerves, you may as well move in. (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/may/23/whats-the-difference-between-a-baby-and-a-puppy-i-know-how-to-behave-when-friends-get-a-baby) Article 5. Family of UK woman who lost finger in dog attack critical of police response Jessica Murray Midlands correspondent Sat 20 May 2023 10.00 BST The Guardian The family of a woman who had her finger bitten off in a dog attack on the street have said the police’s decision to deem the dog safe and return it to its owner is appalling. Annette Tonyin, 61, was walking her dog in south Birmingham at about 8am on 30 April when, acco...

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