Economic and Corporate security and information policy in the era of global challenges

Economic and Corporate security and information policy in the era of global challenges

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Автор: Sergey Zainullin

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Direct-Media

Год: 2024

Место издания: Moscow

ISBN: 978-5-4499-4677-5

Страниц: 236

Артикул: 108429

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Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 17.10.2024
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Краткая аннотация книги "Economic and Corporate security and information policy in the era of global challenges"

The monograph examines methodological and methodological approaches to economic, corporate and information security in modern Russian conditions. It analyzes the factors of threats to the external and internal environment of the corporation. It reveals the methodology of hostile takeovers, raiding and ways to counter them. Particular attention is paid to the construction of holding structures using protective mechanisms of corporate security. New challenges in the field of security are considered — sanctions, actions of PMCs, threats to cybersecurity. The monograph will be useful for master's students studying in economic areas and specialties in the system of postgraduate and additional professional education in the field of economics and management, graduate students and university professors, managers, members of the Board of Directors, shareholders of corporations.

Содержание книги "Economic and Corporate security and information policy in the era of global challenges "

CHAPTER 1. The role and importance of corporate security in ensuring stability in the development of society
CHAPTER 2. Economic security at global levels of government
CHAPTER 3. Sanctions as a relevant factor of economic security
CHAPTER 4. Private military companies and their impact on international security
CHAPTER 5. Corporate security as the basis for the economic security of commercial organizations
5.1. Factors of threats to corporate security
5.2. Competition threats
5.3. Corruption threats
5.4. Natural and man-made disasters
5.5. Corporate security system
CHAPTER 6. Assessing of internal and external threats to the corporation
6.1. External environment of the corporation
CHAPTER 7. General characteristics of corporate processes in the modern Russian economy
7.1. Mergers and acquisitions
7.2. Algorithmization of mergers and acquisitions
CHAPTER 8. Hostile mergers and acquisitions and methods of their implementation
8.1. Types of mergers and acquisitions
8.2. Procedure of mergers and acquisitions
8.3. Financing of mergers and acquisitions
8.4. Methods of hostile mergers and acquisitions
CHAPTER 9. Corporate blackmail and methods of its implementation
9.1. Definition and development of ideas about corporate blackmail
CHAPTER 10. Preventive methods of countering corporate threats
10.1. Methods of counteraction not related to corporate restructuring
10.2. Countermeasures related to corporate restructuring
10.3. Methods of passively countering hostile mergers and acquisitions
CHAPTER 11. Operational Methods of Counteracting Corporate Threats
11.1. Methods of Actively Countering Hostile Mergers and Acquisitions
11.2. Methods of passively countering hostile mergers and acquisitions
CHAPTER 12. Building a corporate security system for a corporation
12.1. Algorithm for building corporate security
12.2. Building a holding company as a comprehensive protective measure
CHAPTER 13. Information policy in the context of global change

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