Английский язык для юристов
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 978-5-9765-1384-6
Страниц: 71
Артикул: 11388
Возрастная маркировка: 16+
Краткая аннотация книги "Английский язык для юристов"
Данное учебное пособие включает в себя грамматические основы изучаемого языка, лексические основы чтения профессионально-ориентированного текста на английском языка, лексико-грамматический материал для самоконтроля и самопроверки. Пособие способствует формированию, развитию и закреплению фонетических, грамматических и лексических умений и навыков в изучении английского языка. Пособие предназначено для студентов и слушателей заочной формы обучения с использованием дистанционных образовательных технологий.
Содержание книги "Английский язык для юристов "
Unit I. Law
Section I. Topical Vocabulary
Section II. Reading Material
Text A. Social Morality, Rules and Laws
Text B. Customs
Text C. Common and Continental Law
Text D. English Law
Unit II. Agents of the Law
Section I. Topical Vocabulary
Section II. Reading Material
Text A. The Legal Profession
Text B. Judges
Text C. Juries
Text D. The Attorney-General and the Director of Public Prosecutions
Unit III. Great Britain and Public Order
Text A. The Judicial System of the United Kingdom
Text B. The Police
Text C. Metropolitan Police Force of London
Text D. Scotland Yard
Unit IV. The United States and Public Order
Text A. The Police of the USA
Text B. Lower Courts in the USA
Text C. The Judicial System of the USA
Text D. The Criminal Justice System of the USA
Text E. Structure of the American Police
Text F. Federal Bureau of Investigation
Text G. In the USA
Text H. The History of the American Women Police
Unit V. International Police
Text A. Establishment of Interpol
Text B. The Aims of Interpol
Text C. Structure and Operation of Interpol
Text D. Interpol and Eastern Europe
Text E. Interpol and Bilateral Cooperation
Unit VI. Texts for Extra-Curriculum Reading
Section I. Law Enforcement in France
Text A. The French Penal Code
Text B. French Criminal Courts
Text C. Organization of the French Police
Section II. Law Enforcement in Italy
Text A. Judicial System in Italy
Text B. Organization of Italian Police
Text C. The Carabinieri
Text D. The State Police of Italy
Section III. Newspaper Items
Text A. Smirnoff and Smirnov
Text B. Prison Population
Text C. Police Brutality
Text D. La Cosa Nostra
Text E
Text F. Drug Trafficking to Cuba
Text G. Russian Mob Boss Convicted
Контрольные работы
Контрольная работа № 1
Контрольная работа № 2
Контрольная работа № 3
Контрольная работа № 4
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Отрывок из книги Английский язык для юристов
9 Задание 7. Закончите предложения. 1. Descriptive laws describe how people usually ___________________________________ . 2. In all societies _________________________________ are regulated by prescriptive laws. 3. It is important to distinguish between __________________________________________ . 4. Sometimes we can break the rules and do not suffer ______________________________ . 5. If we continually ______________________________ of social institutions other people may refuse to do with us. Задание 8. Вставьте подходящее слово (laws, commit crime, customs, rules). 1. Customs are informal ______________________________ of social and moral behaviour. 2. The rules of social institutions are more formal than ______________________________ . 3. _____________________________________________ need not be made by governments. 4. We accept ____________________________ if we belong to particular social institutions. 5. __________________ are made by governments and enforced against all citizens within their power. 6. The law is not enforced against young children when they _________________________ . Задание 9. Отметьте те предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста. 1. Social customs and rules are both enforced by governments. 2. Many laws reflect social customs. 3. The ways in which people talk, eat and drink are regulated by laws made by governments. 4. Informal rules have very little to do with laws created by governments. 5. Prescriptive laws prescribe how people behave. 6. Relations between people are regulated by customs, rules of social institutions and govern-ment-made laws. Задание 10. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. 1. What does the English word “law” refer to? 2. What regulates the relations between people? 3. Are customs made by governments? 4. How do we learn how to behave in society? 5. How do governments enforce the laws which they make? Задание 11. Прочитайте текст В и найдите ответы на вопросы в конце текста. TEXT...
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