Focus on American Language, History and Culture via the film Forrest Gump
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Место издания: Санкт-Петербург
ISBN: 5-94962-088-7
Страниц: 144
Артикул: 58181
Возрастная маркировка: 16+
Краткая аннотация книги "Focus on American Language, History and Culture via the film Forrest Gump"
Настоящее пособие построено на материале фильма "FORREST GUMP", ставшего классикой американского кино. Первая часть содержит тексты для совершенствования навыков говорения и написания сочинений по теме "Кинематограф и кинокритика США", посвященные истории создания фильма, его проблематике, актерам, сыгравшим главные роли, различиям сценария и книги, на основе которой он был создан. Во второй части цитируются наиболее сложные для понимания отрывки аудиотекста и дается их грамматический, лексический и культурологический анализ. В третьей части рассматриваются исторические аллюзии фильма, приводится обширная информация об истории, политике и культуре США XX века для обогащения фоновых знаний студентов и обучения приемам ведения аргументативной дискуссии. В четвертой части содержатся упражнения, развивающие навыки аудирования и последовательного перевода. Пособие может быть использовано на занятиях по аудированию, кинопереводу, а также на курсах "Страноведение США" и "История англоязычных стран".
Содержание книги "Focus on American Language, History and Culture via the film Forrest Gump "
1. Film-Making
2. Language
3. History and Culture
3.1 Civil War (1861-1865)
3.2 Life in the 1950s
3.3 New Popular Culture
3.4 Civil Rights
3.5 The White House
3.6 President Kennedy
3.7 The Vietnam War
3.8 A More Militant Black Movement
3.9 Nixon's Foreign Policy
3.10 The Watergate Crisis
3.11 The Ford Administration
3.12 The Carter Presidency
3.13 The Reagan Revolution
3.14 The Hippie Movement and Its Aftermath
3.15 Advances in Science and Technology
4. Listening Comprehension
Все отзывы о книге Focus on American Language, History and Culture via the film Forrest Gump
Отрывок из книги Focus on American Language, History and Culture via the film Forrest Gump
E. B. nuiyruHa Ext. Greenbow. Night. Mrs. Gump and Forrest walk along a sidewalk. A television inside a store window reveals Elvis Presley as he performs "Houng Dog" on a stage. F o r r e s t : (voice-over) ...was out s h o p p i n ' , and w e walked right by B e n s o n ' s Furniture and Appliance store, and guess what. The television reveals Elvis as he thrusts his hips and sings. E l v i s : (sings) "You ain't nothin' but a hound d o g . . . " Mrs. Gump and Forrest watch the television. Elvis dances around in the same manner Forrest did. A woman in the audience is screaming and applauding. E l v i s : (sings) "You ain't nothin' but a h o u n d d o g . . . " M r s . G u m p : This is not children's eyes. Mrs. Gump walks away, pulling Forrest with her. Forrest stops and takes one last look. Elvis continues to perform over the television. Elvis: (sings)"Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine." F o r r e s t : (voice-over) S o m e years later, that h a n d s o m e y o u n g man w h o they called "The King," well, he sung too many songs, had himself a heart attack or s o m e t h i n g . 1. What new forms of music and visual arts began to become part of the popular culture in the 1950s? 2. What new music and art forms have e m e r g e d in the past 10 to 15 years? R e a d t o u n d e r s t a n d w h a t n e w m u s i c a n d a r t f o r m s d e v e l o p e d in t h e 1 9 5 0 s . The undercurrents of c h a n g e in society in 1950s w e r e reflected in music and art. During the 1930s and 1940s, popular music had been dominated by the smooth melodies of such "crooners" as Bing Crosby and Frank Sinatra and by the "big b a n d " sounds of Glenn Miller and Duke Ellington. In the 1950s, radio disk jokeys began playing a new type of music - r o c k ' n ' roll. Rock ' n ' roll 50
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