Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке для 5-го класса

Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке для 5-го класса

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Автор: Елена Чернышова, Н. Збруева

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Антология

Год: 2012

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

ISBN: 978-5-94962-158-5

Страниц: 224

Артикул: 58206

Возрастная маркировка: 11+

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Краткая аннотация книги "Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке для 5-го класса"

Книга адресована юным читателям, которые любят чудеса и приключения. В ней представлены произведения Эндрю Лэнга «Цветная» книга сказок», Оскара Уайльда «Кентервильское привидение», Джорджа Макдональда «Принцесса и гоблин», Эдит Несбит «Феникс и ковер». Здесь ребята смогут не только применить свои знания английского языка, но и познакомиться с новыми интересными героями произведений английской литературы.

Содержание книги "Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке для 5-го класса"

Andrew Lang. 'Coloured' Fairy Books
Story 1. Magic Hand-Mill
Story 2. Mother Snowfall
Story 3. Fairy Gifts
Story 4. The Monkey and the Jelly-Fish
Story 5. A Lost Paradise
Story 6. The Magic Kettle
Story 7. Fortune and the Wood-Cutter
Story 8. The King Who Would See Paradise
Final Task
Oscar Wilde. The Canterville Ghost
Chapter 1. The New Owners of Canterville Hall
Chapter 2. Welcome to Canterville Hall
Chapter 3. A Strange Noise in the Corridor
Chapter 4. The Second Appearance of the Ghost
Chapter 5. The Final Blow
Chapter 6. The Ghost and Virginia
Chapter 7. Unexpected Request
Chapter 8. Virginia Was Lost
Chapter 9. The Ghost's Present
Chapter 10. The Duke and the Duchess
Final Task
George MacDonald. The Princess and the Goblin
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Final Task
Edith Nesbit. The Phoenix and the Carpet
Chapter 1. The Guy Fawkes Celebration
Chapter 2. The Egg
Chapter 3. The Phoenix
Chapter 4. The Topless Tower
Chapter 5. The Queen Cook
Chapter 6. The School Bazaar
Chapter 7. The Temple
Chapter 8. The Underground Passage
Chapter 9. Doing Good
Chapter 10. The End of the End
Final Task
You May Find These Expressions in the Tasks. Вы можете встретить эти выражения в заданиях
My Vocabulary

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Отрывок из книги Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке для 5-го класса

Story 6. The Magic Kettle He invited a tradesman called J i m - M u t o his house and sold t h e kettle without any w o r d about t h e tanuki. J i m - M u carried t h e kettle h o m e and put it on t h e fire. Suddenly he saw that t h e kettle had b e c o m e a tanuki w h i c h m a d e such a m e s s4 1. As soon as he had tidied his house, J i m - M u t h o u g h t , 'I'll travel with it and s h o w it off and I will b e c o m e a rich m a n . ' So he d i d . They c a m e in c r o w d s4 2 and t h e kettle t u r n e d into a tanuki. It began t o d a n c e till t h e people could not stand still any longer a n d b e g a n t o d a n c e , t o o . Day after d a y J i m - M u b e c a m e richer. Yet he did not feel happy. Happiness should always be shared to be t r u e .4 3 J i m - M u w a s an honest m a n and he t h o u g h t that he should share his wealth with t h e old m a n w h o sold him t h e kettle. So one morning he returned to t h e seller. 'I have no right to keep it any longer,' he a d d e d w h e n he had e n d e d his tale. Now, w h e n he saw how glad t h e old m a n w a s , he felt great happiness. A n d everything w e n t well with t h e m till t h e y died. A C T I V I T I E S 8 S h o w w h a t y o u k n o w . Put these sentences in order, use them as a plan and retell the tale. a. He invited a t r a d e s m a n called J i m - M u t o his house and sold him t h e kettle. b. J i m - M u t h o u g h t that he should share his wealth with t h e old m a n . 41 which made such a mess - к о т о р ы й навёл у ж а с н ы й б е с п о р я д о к 42 they came in crowds - зд. о н и в ы с т у п а л и п е р е д т о л п о й 43 Happiness should always be shared to be true. - С ч а с т ь е м , чтобы о н о б ы л о н а с т о я щ и м , н у ж н о в с е г д а д е л и т ь с я . 41

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