Материалы по английскому языку

Материалы по английскому языку (уровни intermediate, upper-intermediate)

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Автор: Елена Тинякова

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2015

Место издания: Москва, Берлин

ISBN: 978-5-4475-3759-3

Страниц: 82

Артикул: 18152

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

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Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 23.03.2025
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Краткая аннотация книги "Материалы по английскому языку"

Книга включает подробные планы уроков следующей тематики: шекспировский урок, американский менталитет, черты человеческого характера, спорт и здоровый образ жизни, проект по экологии, работа с компьютером и другие. Планы уроков могут быть разбиты на более мелкие порции. Планы уроков демонстрирую методический английский язык. Во второй части книги даны тексты информационной тематики, социальной, философской, политической. На этих текстах удобно строить коммуникативную тематику.

Содержание книги "Материалы по английскому языку (уровни intermediate, upper-intermediate)"

1. Creative lesson plans
2. Texts (teaching on line; philosophy and sociology)

Все отзывы о книге Материалы по английскому языку (уровни intermediate, upper-intermediate)

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Отрывок из книги Материалы по английскому языку (уровни intermediate, upper-intermediate)

33 The teacher's summative short report disposing the students to critical creative thinking beyond the lesson He was not of an age, but for all time! BenJonson The English Renaissance gave birth to an amazing galaxy of great writers, but William Shakespeare outshines them all. He had a greater influence on the development of the whole of world literature. Charac-ters created by him remain perfect depictions of the principal human passions and psychological traits. But Shakespeare was not just a paint-er of abstract passions independent of space and time. His unsurpassed portrayals of human nature come as a result of his profound insight into the most important social and philosophical problems of the period. Shakespeare was a marvellous poet, a great dramatist, a learned man. It is utterly impossible to characterize every aspect of his genius in a brief report. Many periods in Shakespeare's life remain obscure. Shakespeare's great tragedies still produce a terrific impression on our emotions and our intellect (what impresses you most?).The writer treats important ethical themes: state and society; the nature of power; the historical essence of monarchy; the power of money; the multi-problem dialogue of the evil and the good in general and countless var-iations. But still the writer focused all human feelings and relations on love; love discloses human character very deep. Shakespeare's humor serves to get rid of the bad sides of our life in a good-natured manner without tragedy. In many of his views Shakespeare was far ahead of his time. He was wise enough to reject feudalism that slowered the pace of history and was shrewd enough to see the evils and vices of coming capitalism. He could not give concrete answers to the problems he put forth, but he was a truly great inquirer.

Тинякова Е. А. другие книги автора

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