The Egyptian Maid. The River Duddon. Yarrow Revisited, and Other Poems
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998955143
Страниц: 99
Артикул: 12144
Содержание книги "The Egyptian Maid. The River Duddon. Yarrow Revisited, and Other Poems "
The Egyptian Maid
The River Duddon
To the Rev. Dr. Wordsworth
Sonnet 1
Sonnet 2
Sonnet 3
Sonnet 4
Sonnet 5
Sonnet 6
Sonnet 7
Sonnet 8
Sonnet 9
Sonnet 10
Sonnet 11
Sonnet 12
Sonnet 13
Sonnet 14
Sonnet 15
Sonnet 16
Sonnet 17
Sonnet 18
Sonnet 19
Sonnet 20
Sonnet 21
Sonnet 22
Sonnet 23
Sonnet 24
Sonnet 25
Sonnet 26
Sonnet 27
Sonnet 28
Sonnet 29
Sonnet 30
Sonnet 31
Sonnet 32
Sonnet 33
Sonnet 34
Yarrow Revisited, and Other Poems
1. [The gallant Youth, who may have gained]
2. On the Departure of Sir Walter Scott from Abbotsford, for Naples
3. A Place of Burial in the South of Scotland
4. On the Sight of a Manse in the South of Scotland
5. [The wind is now thy organist; - a clank]
6. The Trosachs
7. [The pibroch's note, discountenanced or mute]
8. [This Land of Rainbows spanning glens whose walls]
9. Eagles
10. In the Sound of Mull
11. Suggested at Tyndrum in a Storm
12. The Earl of Breadalbane's Ruined Mansion, and Family Burial-Place, Near Killin
13. »Rest and be Thankful«
14. Highland Hut
15. The Highland Broach
16. The Brownie
17. To the Planet Venus, an Evening Star
18. Bothwell Castle
19. Picture of Daniel in the Lions' Den, at Hamilton Palace
20. The Avon
21. Suggested by a View from an Eminence in Inglewood Forest
22. Hart's-Horn Tree, Near Penrith
23. Fancy and Tradition
24. Countess' Pillar
25. Roman Antiquities
26. Apology For the Foregoing Poems
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