Poems Founded on the Affections
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998936227
Страниц: 183
Артикул: 12138
Содержание книги "Poems Founded on the Affections "
The Brothers
Artegal and Elidure
To a Butterfly
A Farewell
[Strange fits of passion have I known]
[She dwelt among the untrodden ways]
[I travelled among unknown men]
[Ere with cold beads of midnight dew]
To -
The Forsaken
['Tis said, that some have died for love]
A Complaint
To -
[Yes! thou art fair, yet be not moved]
[How rich that forehead's calm expanse!]
[What heavenly smiles! O Lady mine]
To -
Lament of Mary Queen of Scots
The Complaint
The Last of the Flock
The Affliction of Margaret -
The Cottager to Her Infant
Maternal Grief
The Sailor's Mother
The Childless Father
The Emigrant Mother
Vaudracour and Julia
The Idiot Boy
The Widow on Windermere Side
The Armenian Lady's Love
Loving and Liking
Farewell Lines
The Redbreast
Her Eyes Are Wild
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