Poems of Sentiment and Reflection
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998936289
Страниц: 118
Артикул: 12148
Содержание книги "Poems of Sentiment and Reflection "
Expostulation and Reply
The Tables Turned
Lines Written in Early Spring
A Character
To My Sister
Simon Lee. The Old Huntsman
Written in Germany
A Poet's Epitaph
To the Daisy
The Two April Mornings
The Fountain
Personal Talk
Illustrated Books and Newspapers
To the Spade of a Friend
A Night Thought
Tribute to the Memory of the Same Dog
Ode to Duty
Character of the Happy Warrior
The Force of Prayer
A Fact, and an Imagination or, Canute and Alfred, on the Sea-Shore
A little onward lend thy guiding hand
Ode to Lycoris
To the Same
September, 1819
Upon the Same Occasion
[This Lawn, a carpet all alive]
The unremitting voice of nightly streams
Thoughts on the Seasons
To - Upon the Birth of Her First-Born Child, March, 1833
The Warning
If this great world of joy and pain
The Labourer's Noon-Day Hymn
Ode, Composed on May Morning
To May
Lines Suggested by a Portrait from the Pencil of F. Stone
The Foregoing Subject Resumed
So fair, so sweet, withal so sensitive
Upon Seeing a Coloured Drawing of the Bird of Paradise in an Album
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