Книга для учителя к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Английский язык» для 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций
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Автор: Юлия Комарова, Ирина Ларионова, Фиона Мохлин
Форматы: PDF
Серия: Инновационная школа
Издательство: Русское слово
Артикул: 23390
Возрастная маркировка: 16+
Краткая аннотация книги "Книга для учителя к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Английский язык» для 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций"
Книга для учителя является одним из компонентов учебно-методического комплекта «Английский язык» для 7 класса. Она содержит методические рекомендации по организации и проведению занятий, а также дополнительные обучающие материалы, разрешённые для копирования.
Содержание книги "Книга для учителя к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Английский язык» для 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций "
Student’s Book Contents
Teacher’s Notes & Answer Key
Starter unit
Unit 1. Making Music
Unit 2. Let’s Celebrate!
Unit 3. Where Do You Live?
Unit 4. Screen Stories
Unit 5. Disaster Zone!
Unit 6. Playing Games
Unit 7. Your Future, Our Future
Unit 8. International Adventures
Unit 9. Best Friends?
Workbook Answer Key
Teacher’s Resource File
Across the curriculum
English Sketches: Character Profiles
Tests Answer Key
Все отзывы о книге Книга для учителя к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Английский язык» для 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций
Отрывок из книги Книга для учителя к учебнику Ю.А. Комаровой, И.В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет «Английский язык» для 7 класса общеобразовательных организаций
A i m To review and practise the present continuous in the affirmative, negative and question forms, and the pronunciation of [i ] and [i:j. Grammar 1 © EXTRA w a r m e r Ask students to write down the names and dates of as many celebrations as they can remember. Then ask them to categorize them under the headings I like and I don't like. Compare and discuss as a class. Present continuous 1 Students read the examples and tell you what the full version of the short forms are. They then read the rule at the bottom of the table. Check meaning by asking students to look around, listen and tell you what they see or hear, eg, Someone is playing the recorder, a car is passing, etc. 2 Students read the spelling rules on page 31 and complete the text using the present continuous. Allow them to compare with a partner, then check as a class. Ask why the text is in the present continuous. Elicit answers. Key 1 are having 2 's decorating 3 's putting 4 'm taking 5 's wearing 6 are dancing 7 are eating 8 'm chatting 3 Ask students to read the example and, using it as a model, correct the sentences with one negative sentence and one affirmative sentence. Key 1 They aren't wearing normal clothes. They're wearing costumes. 2 John isn't singing. He's dancing. 3 They aren't drinking water. They're drinking orange juice. 4 Helen isn't talking to a vampire. She's talk-ing to Frankenstein's monster. 5 They aren't having a terrible time. They're having fun. Fast finishers -— Workbook p17, exercise 1 Pronunciation: [i] and [i:] a (Jis] Play the recording and ask students to tell you the difference between the two sounds, ie, between his and he's (the [i:] in he's is approximately twice the length of the [1] in his). Ask students to smile widely and try to say his and he's. Ask which one they can say like that (he's). Then ask them to look serious, press the corners of their mouth so they can't smile and say his and he's again. Ask which they can say like that (his). Tell students to tr...
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