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Развиваем умения письменной речи = A guide to advanced writing
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Автор: Светлана Болдырева, Юлия Маслова, Елена Усачева
Форматы: PDF
Издательство: Липецкий государственный педагогический университет им. П.П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского
Год: 2018
Место издания: Липецк
ISBN: 978-5-88526-927-8
Страниц: 63
Артикул: 76112
Возрастная маркировка: 16+
Краткая аннотация книги "Развиваем умения письменной речи"
Пособие представляет собой сборник заданий для развития профессиональной компетенции в письменной речи на продвинутом уровне.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 44.03.05 – Педагогическое образование (профиль – иностранный язык (с двумя языками), квалификация: бакалавр).
Содержание книги "Развиваем умения письменной речи "
Letter to an editor
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III
Все отзывы о книге Развиваем умения письменной речи
Отрывок из книги Развиваем умения письменной речи
27 IV. This is another report addressing the same task as the report above. Read the report. In pairs discuss how you could change the report to make it more appropriate in style, structure and language. Divide it into parts and write the headings for each of the part. The club has reached all its goals in previous year. This report will summarise all the on-going events, financial situation and future plans. As mentioned at the outset the list of main events held over the last twelve month: “I adore films” party, January, 15th Talk by young director Paul Smith, February, 23nd Discussions on science fiction films, March, 3 Visit to New Zealand, home of Middle-earth (places where The Lord of Rings was filmed), May 14th Lectures on adaptations of books, July, 5th Italian film weekend, October 18-21 Annual final season party, December, 21th Of these, talk by director Paul Smith was the most surprising for the members and at the end of that meeting, it was found that an hour is not fairly enough for such kind of profound conversations on film art with professionals and so enthusiastic people like Mr. Smith. At the same time, discussions on science fiction were badly organised and, as a result, poorly attended. As for the “opening season “party and the “final season” party held in January and December it would be appreciated if members could give the committee feedback, so that some changes are made in order to become as interesting as possible. The club‟s financial affairs are within the plan, it was expected to face some rise in expenses as famous directors were invited and furniture at club was renewed. Nevertheless, a record number of new members have joined in and their fees have contributed to the club‟s healthy bank balance. More than that, our club was sponsored by recently-formed film-making company. They intend to have long-term relations. As f...
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