The Power Of Youth

The Power Of Youth . How To Tune Our Mind And Body For A Long And Healthy Life

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Автор: Andrei Fomenko

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Альпина ПРО

Год: 2023

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-206-00235-5

Страниц: 579

Артикул: 108384

Возрастная маркировка: 12+

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Краткая аннотация книги "The Power Of Youth"

During the last couple of decades, science and medicine have taken a great step toward understanding what aging is. Technologies of cell reprogramming, tissue regeneration, genetic engineering, young blood transfusion, and many others are developing right before our very eyes. But it is not only the development of hightech that is crucial because even the less obvious things – from the placebo effect and the way of thinking to visualization and even ASMR – can help to defeat aging. Everything you need to know about how to live a long life without the painful agony of old age is right in your hands. This book contains the most relevant scientific reports on how to slow down age-related changes and stay young as long as possible. Such a diverse view on the problem of aging – in terms of genetics, physiology, psychology, evolution, quantum mechanics, mathematics, etc. – distinguishes this book from many papers devoted to the prolongation of life and youth.

Содержание книги "The Power Of Youth . How To Tune Our Mind And Body For A Long And Healthy Life"

CHAPTER 1. Aging And Youth
CHAPTER 2. Genetics
CHAPTER 3. Epigenetics
CHAPTER 5. Brain and nervous system
CHAPTER 6. The Endocrine System
CHAPTER 7. Feelings And Emotions
CHAPTER 8. Immune System
CHAPTER 9. Metabolism
CHAPTER 10. Nutrition
CHAPTER 11. Microbiome
CHAPTER 12. Micronutrients
CHAPTER 13. Respiration
CHAPTER 14. Heart
CHAPTER 15. Skin
CHAPTER 17. Hormesis And Hormetins
CHAPTER 18. Consciousness
CHAPTER 19. Subconsciousness
CHAPTER 20. Placebo
CHAPTER 21. Awareness, Responsibility, Morality
CHAPTER 22. Autosuggestion, Power Of Faith, And Willpower
CHAPTER 23. Positive Thinking
CHAPTER 24. Visualization
CHAPTER 25. Three Axes: You, Surrounding People, And The Environment
CHAPTER 26. Social Psychology
CHAPTER 27. Digital medicine
CHAPTER 28. Biophysics
CHAPTER 29. Science
CHAPTER 30. Complementary Medicine
CHAPTER 31. Medicines
CHAPTER 32. Color, Light, And Sounds
CHAPTER 34. Quantum world
CHAPTER 35. Mathematics
CHAPTER 36. Time
CHAPTER 37. Evolution

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