Responding to the challenges of the time

Responding to the challenges of the time : sociocultural architecture, transaction costs, regulation

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Автор: Надежда Аникина, Виктор Стукач, Nadezhda Anikina, Victor Stukach

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Direct-Media

Год: 2024

Место издания: Moscow

ISBN: 978-5-4499-4491-7

Страниц: 216

Артикул: 107290

Печатная книга
Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 20.01.2025
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Краткая аннотация книги "Responding to the challenges of the time"

The monograph explores the informal institutions of the regional transactional sector. The authors make an analysis of the main forms of interaction between formal and informal institutions, the peculiarities of their functioning and the influence of the institutions on behavioural attitudes. The informal institutions are considered from the position of sociocultural characteristics; the parameters of the economy’s cultural codes are defined with regard to the specifics of the agricultural sector; the prerequisites forming the bulk of transaction costs are revealed. Сonsiders the mechanism of transaction cost management in the context of the regulation of cultural codes of the economy as well as the formation of a sustainable vector in their development. The analysis of the empirical material reveals the trends in the correlation of the transactional sector share dynamics and the qualitative development of the regional economy, the dynamics of the share of internal transaction costs, and the changes in the uncertainty of the external environment level. The monograph is addressed to regional government officials, market research specialists, researchers, teachers and students of agrarian universities.

Содержание книги "Responding to the challenges of the time : sociocultural architecture, transaction costs, regulation"

1. Transactional sector of the regional agrarian economy
1.1 Content analysis of research relevance
1.2 Economic nature and classification of transaction costs
1.3 Asymmetry of transactions and regulatory institutions
1.4 Transactional sector: concept, structure
1.5 Segment-oriented approach in studying the transactional sector of the regional agrarian economy
1.6 Transactional sector regulation: transactional policy
2. Formal and informal institutions
2.1 Scientific approaches to understanding institutions
2.2 System of mutual expectations and informal practices
2.3 Components of informal institutions forming implicit transaction costs
2.4 Characterisation of informal market transaction institutions
2.5 Characterisation of informal institutions engaged in rationing transactions
2.6 Characterisation of informal institutions involving managerial transactions
2.7 Agro-industrial market infrastructure institutions and the problems of functioning
2.8 Internal and external environment factors shaping transaction costs
3. Transaction costs in the real sector of the agricultural economy
3.1 Specific features of AIC transaction costs
3.2 Problems of identifying and accounting transaction costs at the organisational level
3.3 Problems of identification, measurement and accounting of transaction costs at the macro level
3.4 Composition and structure of transaction costs of Omsk Region agricultural organisations
3.5 Practice of managing agricultural organisations’ transaction costs
3.6 Composition and structure of the transactional sector in the Russian Federation and the Omsk Region
3.7 Imbalance in the development of the transformational and transactional sectors of the economy
3.8 Transaction costs state regulation practice at the level of the regional transactional sector
4. Cultural codes in the economy and institutional regulation of transaction costs
4.1 From values to informal institutions
4.2 Economic development and the “path-dependence problem”
4.3 Informal institutions and cultural development factors
4.4 Cultural codes: transactional component
4.5 Sociocultural research in the AIC sphere of the region
4.6 Sociocultural institutional changes in the sphere of global megatrends
5. Formation of a mechanism for regulating transaction costs in the institutional sphere
5.1 Adjusted classification of transaction costs
5.2 Components of the mechanism for regulating corporate transaction costs
5.3 Components of the mechanism for regulating the transactional sector of the economy
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix H
Appendix I

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