Glimpses of Britain

Glimpses of Britain : reader

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Автор: Алексей Минченков

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Антология

Год: 2006

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

ISBN: 5-94962-113-1

Страниц: 128

Артикул: 58170

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Glimpses of Britain"

Хрестоматия содержит подборку статей из современных газет и журналов, иллюстрирующих многие темы, рассматриваемые в основных главах пособия Glimpses of Britain. Статьи расположены в произвольном порядке, они не адаптировались и не сокращались, был полностью сохранен авторский стиль и пунктуация. Таким образом, статьи представляют разный уровень сложности, в зависимости от индивидуального стиля автора.

Содержание книги "Glimpses of Britain"

Prescott's folly
The first media queen
1066 and all what?
How I see it
Why I'll keep on riding to the rescue of Blenheim
Sex war
Puritanism of the rich
History washes up ancient bathroom
Letter from Victoria points to affair with Brown
At last contentment
Wedded to a Quango Lords
Royals in crisis as popularity nose-dives
Queen's speech stresses respect and reform
The New Edwardians
Why stately homes need support
Spencer rejected Diana's plea for home, letters reveal
£ 100,000 price on miniature head of Lord Damley
How the king was thwarted from making plea to nation
Council tax bills to rise
Kensington Palace
Special agent Holbein spied on Henry VIII
Mary, Mary, quite unwary
At her Majesty's pleasure
Myth of the few that does not add up
The blood that links the greatest Britons
Mystery lifted on queen's powers
Becket Abbey is found in Dublin
Pope had to push reluctant envoy
I lost my heart in Norton Conyers
Dark depressions of lady with the lamp
Grandchildren cash in on legacies their parents don't need
Queen versus queen
Stunning victory routed French and Spanish and changed history
Ghost of Henry VIII casts shadow over summit
Blair sets record for rewarding party donors with life peerages
Lady Thatcher celebrated her 80th birthday last night with 650 guests
The generation game is rigged
Painted Lady of Kew uncovered
Al-Qaeda threat to Queen tightens Cenotaph security
If we don't change now, we'll all be poorer for it
Warriors, statesmen, prelates. Can young David live up to his ancestors?
The letter that saved Parliament

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Отрывок из книги Glimpses of Britain : reader

at the ballot box, their campaign was driven by a deep-rooted dis-taste for male sexuality. Quite simply, the more extreme suffragettes were man-haters, waging what amounted to a sex war. They regarded men as a low¬er form of life, whose untrammelled sexual appetites were the root of all evil - from physical disease to every kind of moral degeneracy. For these women, winning the vote was merely a means to an end: the reining in of male lust, which they thought w o u l d raise the whole of society to a higher spirit¬ual plane. What is more, they were pre¬pared to adopt virtually any tac¬tics to achieve it - even those we would now call terrorism. The explanation for this sexu¬al fervour lies in the squalid world of Victorian vice, with its huge and highly visible trade in prosti¬tution. In 1841 the Chief Commis-sioner of Police estimated there were 3,325 brothels i n Central London alone. Thirty years later, a French vis-itor to the East End reported that "all the houses, except one or two, are evidently inhabited by har¬lots". A c c o r d i n g to Scotland Yard's director of CID, it was im¬possible for a respectable woman to walk through the West End in mid-afternoon because o f the number of prostitutes openly so¬liciting. Droves of girls were seen hud-dling along Regent Street, Picca-dilly and Haymarket, urinating and defecating in public. For men of such tastes, children were easily procured: the age of consent was just 12. Domestic servants joined the trade at night, desperate to sup¬plement their meagre wages. Shop assistants did the same, with the encouragement o f West End dress-shop managers who hired out clothes to them by way of ad¬vertising. The phenomenon gave rise to endless scandalised discussion. A t first, conventional opinion held that the prostitutes were corrupt¬ing the nation's morals, whereas the men who patronised them were merely satisfying their natural in¬clinations while leaving respecta¬ble women unsullied. Gradually, however, the ...

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