Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке = English Grammar in Depth: Verbals
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Место издания: Санкт-Петербург
ISBN: 978-5-94962-255-1
Страниц: 160
Артикул: 58327
Возрастная маркировка: 12+
Краткая аннотация книги "Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке"
В учебном пособии представлено современное описание неличных форм английского глагола (инфинитива, герундия, причастия). Оно состоит из двух частей – теоретической и практической. В теоретической части описаны формы и особенности употребления неличных форм глагола. Сложный материал представлен в доступной форме. Практическая часть включает в себя разнообразные виды упражнений, обеспечивающих прочное усвоение предложенного в первой части материала. Пособие может быть использовано на занятиях по практической грамматике, а также для самостоятельной работы студентов.
Содержание книги "Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке "
Предисловие ко второму изданию
Part I. The Verbals
The Infi nitive
1. Forms
2. Structures with the Infi nitive
2.1 Objective Infi nitive Construction (OIC)
2.2 Subjective Infi nitive Construction (SIC)
2.3 The For-to-Infi nitive Construction
3. Functions of the Infi nitive
3.1 Subject
3.2 Predicative
3.3 Part of a Compound Verbal Modal Predicate
3.4 Part of a Compound Verbal Aspect Predicate
3.5 Object
3.6 Attribute
3.7 Adverbial Modifi er
3.8 Parenthesis
4. The Split Infi nitive
The Gerund
1. Forms
2. Structures with the Gerund
3. Functions
3.1 Subject
3.2 Predicative
3.3 Part of a Compound Verbal Aspect Predicate
3.4 Object
3.5 Attribute
3.6 Adverbial Modifi er
The Participles
1. Forms
2. Structures with the Participles
2.1 Objective Participial Construction (OPC)
2.2 Subjective Participial Construction (SPC)
2.3 Absolute Participial Construction (APC)
3. Functions
3.1 Attribute
3.2 Adverbial Modifi er
3.3 Predicative
3.4 Parenthesis
4. Misrelated Participle
Part II. Practice Section
The Infi nitive
The Gerund
The Participles
Main Sources Used
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Отрывок из книги Употребление неличных форм глагола в английском языке
Part I. The Verbals: THE INFINITIVE15• He was rumoured to be writing a new book.• He was understood to have left for Canada.• His theory was proved to be correct. Note: after the verb consider, the infi nitive of the verb be is often omitted, and consider is followed by a noun or an adjective, so that there is no infi nitive construction at all. Compare the following two sentences:• The Emperor was then still considered to be a living god. (Subjective Infi nitive Construction)• Wild boars were once considered a pest by farmers. (No infi nitive construction)The SIC is also used with the following active verbs:to seem She seemed to believe me.to appear (= ‘to seem’) No records of the event appear to survive.to turn out It turned out to be a very nice party.to prove (= ‘to turn out’) It has proved to be quite useless.to happen She happened to be near at the moment.to chance (= ‘to happen’) I chanced to notice her.Finally, the SIC is used with expressions denoting varying degrees of certainty – be likely, be unlikely, be sure, be certain:• She was likely to forget it quite soon.• The dispute is unlikely to be settled for a long time.• The growth in demand is certain to drive up the price.2.3 THE FORTOINFINITIVE CONSTRUCTIONIn the for-to-infi nitive construction the infi nitive is in predicate relation to a noun (in the common case) or a pronoun (in the objective case) preceded by the preposition for:• I waited for them to say something.
Минченков А. Г. другие книги автора
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