Poems of the Fancy

Poems of the Fancy

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Автор: William Wordsworth

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2003

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 9785998936234

Страниц: 129

Артикул: 12139

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Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 10.06.2024
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Содержание книги "Poems of the Fancy"

A Morning Exercise
A Flower Garden
[A whirl-blast from behind the hill]
The Waterfall and the Eglantine
The Oak and the Broom
To a Sexton
To the Daisy
To the Same Flower
The Green Linnet
To a Sky-Lark
To the Small Celandine
To the Same Flower
The Seven Sisters
[Who fancied what a pretty sight]
The Redbreast Chasing the Butterfly
Song for the Spinning Wheel
Hint from the Mountains
On Seeing a Needlecase in the Form of a Harp
To a Lady
[Glad sight wherever new with old]
The Contrast
The Danish Boy
Stray Pleasures
The Pilgrim's Dream
The Poet and the Caged Turtledove
A Wren's Nest
Love Lies Bleeding
Companion to the Foregoing
Rural Illusions
The Kitten and Falling Leaves
Address to My Infant Daughter, Dora
The Waggoner
To Charles Lamb, Esq
Canto First
Canto Second
Canto Third
Canto Fourth

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