Poems composed or suggested during a Tour, in the Summer of 1833. Sonnets Dedicated to Liberty and Order. Sonnets Upon the Punishment of Death. Miscellaneous Poems
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998955167
Страниц: 186
Артикул: 12147
Содержание книги "Poems composed or suggested during a Tour, in the Summer of 1833. Sonnets Dedicated to Liberty and Order. Sonnets Upon the Punishment of Death. Miscellaneous Poems "
Poems composed or suggested during a Tour, in the Summer of 1833
1. [Adieu, Rydalian Laurels! that have grown]
2. [Why should the Enthusiast, journeying through this Isle]
3. [They called Thee Merry England, in old time]
4. [Greta, what fearful listening! when huge stones]
5. [Among the mountains were we nursed, loved Stream!]
6. In Sight of the Town of Cockermouth
7. Address from the Spirit of Cockermouth Castle
8. Nun's Well, Brigham
9. To a Friend On the banks of the Derwent
10. Mary Queen of Scots Landing at the mouth of the Derwent, Workington
11. Stanzas Suggested in a Steamboat off Saint Bees' Heads, on the Coast of Cumberland
12. In the Channel, Between the Coast of Cumberland and the Isle of Man
13. At Sea off the Isle of Man
14. [Desire we past illusions to recal?]
15. On Entering Douglas Bay, Isle of Man
16. By the Sea-Shore, Isle of Man
17. Isle of Man
18. Isle of Man
19. By a Retired Mariner
20. At Bala-Sala, Isle of Man
21. Tynwald Hill
22. Despond who will - I heard a voice exclaim
23. In the Frith of Clyde, Ailsa Crag
24. On the Frith of Clyde
25. On Revisiting Dunolly Castle
26. The Dunolly Eagle
27. Written in a Blank Leaf of Macpherson's Ossian
28. Cave of Staffa
29. Cave of Staffa, After the Crowd had departed
30. Cave of Staffa
31. Flowers on the Top of the Pillars at the Entrance of the Cave
32. Iona
33. Iona, Upon Landing
34. The Black Stones of Iona
35. Homeward we turn. Isle of Columba's Cell
36. Greenock
37. [»There!« said a Stripling, pointing with meet pride]
38. The River Eden, Cumberland
39. Monument of Mrs. Howard
40. Suggested by the Foregoing
41. Nunnery
42. Steamboats, Viaducts, and Railways
43. The Monument Commonly Called Long Meg and Her Daughters
44. Lowther
45. To the Earl of Lonsdale
46. The Somnambulist
47. To Cordelia M--, Hallsteads, Ullswater
48. [Most sweet it is with unuplifted eyes]
Sonnets Dedicated to Liberty and Order
1. Composed After Reading a Newspaper of the Day
2. Upon the Late General Fast
3. [Said Secrecy to Cowardice and Fraud]
4. [Blest Statesman He, whose Mind's unselfish will]
5. In Allusion to Various Recent Histories and Notices of the French Revolution
6. Continued
7. Concluded
8. [Men of the Western World! in Fate's dark book]
9. To the Pennsylvanians
10. At Bologna, in Remembrance of the Late Insurrections, 1837
11. Continued
12. Concluded
13. [Young England - what is then become of Old]
14. [Feel for the wrongs to universal ken]
Sonnets Upon the Punishment of Death
Miscellaneous Poems
Epistle to Sir George Howland Beaumont, Bart
Upon Perusing the Foregoing Epistle Thirty Years after Its Composition
Gold and Silver Fishes in a Vase
Poor Robin
The Gleaner. Suggested by a Picture
To a Redbreast
I know an aged Man constrained to dwell
Sonnet. To an Octogenarian
Floating Island
How beautiful the Queen of Night
Once I could hail
To the Lady Fleming
On the Same Occasion
The Horn of Egremont Castle
Goody Blake and Harry Gill
Prelude, prefixed to the volume entitled »Poems Chiefly of Early and Late Years«
To a Child
Lines, Written in the Album of the Countess of Lonsdale
Grace Darling
The Russian Fugitive
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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