Poems of the Imagination
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998936241
Страниц: 256
Артикул: 12140
Содержание книги "Poems of the Imagination "
There Was a Boy
To the Cuckoo
A Night-Piece
Airey-Force Valley
The Simplon Pass
[She was a Phantom of delight]
[O Nightingale! thou surely art]
[Three years she grew in sun and shower]
[A slumber did my spirit seal]
[I wandered lonely as a cloud]
The Reverie of Poor Susan
Power of Music
Written in March
[Lyre! though such power do in thy magic live]
Sequel to the Foregoing
Resolution and Independence
The Thorn
Hart-Leap Well
Song at the Feast of Brougham Castle
[It is no Spirit who from heaven hath flown]
French Revolution
[Yes, it was the mountain Echo]
To a Skylark
The Pass of Kirkstone
To Enterprise
To - On Her First Ascent to the Summit of Helvellyn
To a Young Lady
Water Fowl
View from the Top of Black Comb
The Haunted Tree
The Triad
The Wishing-Gate
The Wishing-Gate Destroyed
The Primrose of the Rock
Vernal Ode
Devotional Incitements
The Cuckoo-Clock
To the Clouds
Suggested by a Picture of the Bird of Paradise
A Jewish Family
On the Power of Sound
Peter Bell
To Robert Southey
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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