Miscellaneous Sonnets
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998936258
Страниц: 124
Артикул: 12141
Содержание книги "Miscellaneous Sonnets "
Part 1
1. [Nuns fret not at their convent's narrow room]
2. Admonition
3 [»Beloved Vale!« I said, when I shall con]
4. At Applethwaite, Near Keswick
5. [Pelion and Ossa flourish side by side]
6. [There is a little unpretending Rill]
7. [Her only pilot the soft breeze, the boat]
8. [The fairest, brightest, hues of ether fade]
9. Upon the Sight of a Beautiful Picture
10. [Why, Minstrel, these untuneful murmurings]
11. [Aerial Rock - whose solitary brow]
12. To Sleep
13. To Sleep
14. To Sleep
15. The Wild Duck's Nest
16. Written Upon a Blank Leaf in »The Complete Angler«
17. To the Poet, John Dyer
18. On the Detraction Which Followed the Publication of a Certain Poem
19. [Grief, thou hast lost an ever-ready friend]
20. To S. H
21. [With each recurrence of this glorious morn]
22. Decay of Piety
23. [What need of clamorous bells, or ribands gay]
24. From the Italian of Michael Angelo
25. From the Italian of Michael Angelo
26. From the Italian of Michael Angelo
27. [Surprised by joy - impatient as the Wind]
28. [Methought I saw the footsteps of a throne]
29. November, 1836
30. [It is a beauteous evening, calm and free]
31. [Where lies the Land to which yon Ship must go?]
32. [With Ships the sea was sprinkled far and nigh]
33. [The world is too much with us; late and soon]
34. [A volant Tribe of Bards on earth are found]
35. [Weak is the will of Man, his judgment blind]
36. To the Memory of Raisley Calvert
Part 2
1. [Scorn not the Sonnet; Critic, you have frowned]
2. [How sweet it is, when mother Fancy rocks]
3. To B. R. Haydon
4. [From the dark chambers of dejection freed]
5. [Fair Prime of life! were it enough to gild]
6. [I watch, and long have watched, with calm regret]
7. [I heard (alas! 'twas only in a dream)]
8. Retirement
9. [Not Love, not War, nor the tumultuous swell]
10. [Mark the concentred hazels that enclose]
11. [Dark and more dark the shades of evening fell]
12. [Those words were uttered as in pensive mood]
13. September, 1815
14. November 1
15. One who was suffering tumult in his soul
16. To a Snowdrop
17. To the Lady Mary Lowther
18. To Lady Beaumont
19. [There is a pleasure in poetic pains]
20. [The Shepherd, looking eastward, softly said]
21. [When haughty expectations prostrate lie]
22. [Hail, Twilight, sovereign of one peaceful hour!]
23. [With how sad steps, O Moon, thou climb'st the sky]
24. [Even as a dragon's eye that feels the stress]
25. [The stars are mansions built by Nature's hand]
26. [Desponding Father! mark this altered bough]
27. Captivity. - Mary Queen of Scots
28. St. Catherine of Ledbury
29. [Though narrow be that old Man's cares, and near]
30. [Four fiery steeds impatient of the rein]
31. [Brook! whose society the Poet seeks]
32. [Dogmatic Teachers, of the snow-white fur]
33. [Pure element of waters! wheresoe'er]
34. Malham Cove
35. Gordale
36. [Earth has not anything to show more fair]
37. Conclusion
Part 3
1. [Though the bold wings of Poesy affect]
2. [Ye sacred Nurseries of blooming Youth!]
3. [Shame on this faithless heart! that could allow]
4. Recollection of the Portrait of King Henry the Eighth
5. On the Death of His Majesty (George the Third)
6. [Fame tells of groves - from England far away -]
7. A Parsonage in Oxfordshire
8. [Through shattered galleries, 'mid roofless halls]
9. To the Lady E. B. and the Hon. Miss P
10. To the Torrent at the Devil's Bridge
11. In the Woods of Rydal
12. [When Philoctetes in the Lemnian isle]
13. [While Anna's peers and early playmates tread]
14. To the Cuckoo
15. To --
16. The Infant M-- M--
17. To --, in Her Seventieth Year
18. To Rotha Q--
19. A Gravestone Upon the Floor in the Cloisters of Worcester Cathedral
20. Roman Antiquities Discovered at Bishopstone, Herefordshire
21. [Chatsworth! thy stately mansion, and the pride]
22. A Tradition of Oker Hill in Darley Dale, Derbyshire
23. Filial Piety
24. To the Author's Portrait
25. [Why art thou silent! Is thy love a plant]
26. To B.R. Haydon, on Seeing His Picture of Napoleon Buonaparte
27. [A Poet! - He hath put his heart to school]
28. [The most alluring clouds that mount the sky]
29. On a Portrait of the Duke of Wellington Upon the Field of Waterloo
30. [Life with yon Lambs, like day, is just begun]
31. [Lo! where she stands fixed in a saint-like trance]
32. To a Painter
33. On the Same Subject
34. [Hark! 'tis the Thrush, undaunted, undeprest]
35. ['Tis He whose yester-evening's high disdain]
36. [Oh what a Wreck! how changed in mien and speech!]
37. [Intent on gathering wool from hedge and brake]
38. A Plea for Authors, May 1838
39. Valedictory Sonnet
40. To the Rev. Christopher Wordsworth
41. To the Planet Venus
42. [Wansfell! this Household has a favoured lot]
43. [While beams of orient light shoot wide and high]
44. [In my mind's eye a Temple, like a cloud]
45. On the Projected Kendal and Windermere Railway
46. [Proud were ye, Mountains, when, in times of old]
47. At Furness Abbey
48. At Furness Abbey
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