Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1814. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent 1820. Memorials of a Tour in Italy 1837
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998955136
Страниц: 148
Артикул: 12142
Содержание книги "Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1814. Memorials of a Tour on the Continent 1820. Memorials of a Tour in Italy 1837 "
Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1814
1. The Brownie's Cell
2. Composed at Cora Linn
3. Effusion
4. Yarrow Visited
Memorials of a Tour on the Continent 1820
1. Fish-Women. - On Landing at Calais
2. Brugиs
3. Brugиs
4. Incident at Brugиs
5. After Visiting the Field of Waterloo
6. Between Namur and Liege
7. Aix-la-Chapelle
8. In the Cathedral at Cologne
9. In a Carriage, Upon the Banks of the Rhine
10. Hymn For the Boatmen, as They Approach the Rapids under the Castle of Heidelberg
11. The Source of the Danube
12. On Approaching the Staub-Bach, Lauterbrunnen
13. The Fall of the Aar - Handec
14. Memorial Near the Outlet of the Lake of Thun
15. Composed in One of the Catholic Cantons
16. After-Thought
17. Scene on the Lake of Brientz
18. Engelberg, the Hill of Angels
19. Our Lady of the Snow
20. Effusion
21. The Town of Schwytz
22. On Hearing the »Ranz des Vaches« on the Top of the Pass of St. Gothard
23. Fort Fuentes
24. The Church of San Salvador
25. The Italian Itinerant, and the Swiss Goatherd
26. The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci
27. The Eclipse of the Sun, 1820
28. The Three Cottage Girls
29. The Column Intended by Buonaparte for a Triumphal Edifice in Milan
30. Stanzas Composed in the Simplon Pass
31. Echo, Upon the Gemmi
32. Processions Suggested on a Sabbath Morning in the Vale of Chamouny
33. Elegiac Stanzas
34. Sky-Prospect - from the Plain of France
35. On Being Stranded Near the Harbour of Boulogne
36. After Landing - The Valley of Dover
37. At Dover
38. Desultory Stanzas Upon Receiving the Preceding Sheets from the Press
Memorials of a Tour in Italy 1837
1. Musings Near Aquapendente
2. The Pine of Monte Mario at Rome
3. At Rome
4. At Rome. - Regrets. - In Allusion to Niebuhr, and Other Modern Historians
5. Continued
6. Plea for the Historian
7. At Rome
8. Near Rome, in Sight of St. Peter's
9. At Albano
10. [Near Anio's stream I spied a gentle Dove]
11. From the Alban Hills, Looking Towards Rome
12. Near the Lake of Thrasymene
13. Near the Same Lake
14. The Cuckoo at Laverna
15. At the Convent of Camaldoli
16. Continued
17. At the Eremite or Upper Convent of Camaldoli
18. At Vallombrosa
19. At Florence
20. Before the Picture of the Baptist, by Raphael
21. At Florence. - From Michael Angelo
22. At Florence. - From Michael Angelo
23. Among the Ruins of a Convent in the Apennines
24. In Lombardy
25. After Leaving Italy
26. Continued
27. [If with old love of you, dear Hills! I share]
28. The Pillar of Trajan
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