Poems Referring to the Period of Childhood. Poems on the Naming of Places. Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1803
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 9785998955129
Страниц: 147
Артикул: 12137
Содержание книги "Poems Referring to the Period of Childhood. Poems on the Naming of Places. Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1803 "
Poems Referring to the Period of Childhood
1. [My heart leaps up when I behold]
2. To a Butterfly
3. The Sparrow's Nest
4. Foresight
5. Characteristics of a Child Three Years Old
6. Address to a Child During a Boisterous Winter Evening
7. The Mother's Return
8. Alice Fell
9. Lucy Gray
10. We Are Seven
11. The Idle Shepherd-Boys
12. Anecdote for Fathers
13. Rural Architecture
14. The Pet-Lamb
15. To H. C
16. Influence of Natural Objects
17. The Longest Day
18. The Norman Boy
19. The Poet's Dream
20. The Westmoreland Girl
Poems on the Naming of Places
[It was an April morning: fresh and Clear]
To Joanna
[There is an Eminence, - of these our hills]
[A narrow girdle of rough stones and crags]
To M. H
[When, to the attractions of the busy world]
[Forth from a jutting ridge, around whose base]
Memorials of a Tour in Scotland, 1803
1. Departure
2. At the Grave of Burns, 1803
3. Thoughts
4. To the Sons of Burns
5. Ellen Irwin
6. To a Highland Girl
7. Glen Almain
8. Stepping Westward
9. The Solitary Reaper
10. Address to Kilchurn Castle, Upon Loch Awe
11. Rob Roy's Grave
12. Sonnet
13. Yarrow Unvisited
14. Sonnet
15. The Matron of Jedborough and Her Husband
16. Memorial
17. The Blind Highland Boy
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