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Legal English: Check Yourself

Legal English: Check Yourself = Английский язык для юристов

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Год: 2018

Место издания: Москва|Берлин

ISBN: 978-5-4475-2795-2

Страниц: 144

Артикул: 11550

Печатная книга
Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 20.01.2025
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Краткая аннотация книги "Legal English: Check Yourself"

Учебное пособие предназначается для студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки «Юриспруденция», уровень подготовки: бакалавр. Содержание пособия включает в себя вариативные задания и дополнительные материалы по всем тематическим блокам базового учебника «Legal English: Quick Overview: Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции» (Авторы: Е. Б. Попов, Е. М. Феоктистова, Г. Р. Халюшева). .

Содержание книги "Legal English: Check Yourself : сборник тестовых заданий (с ключами) к учебнику «Legal English: Quick Overview : Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции» для студентов бакалавриата"

Section 1. State System
Section 2. Law and Its Sources
Section 3. Civil Law
Section 4. Property Law
Section 5. Family Law
Section 6. Contracts
Section 7. Business Entities
Section 8. Labor Law
Section 9. Criminal Law
Section 10. White-Collar Crime
Section 11. Criminal Responsibility
Section 12. Torts
Section 13. Evidence and Investigation
Section 14. Police Forces
Section 15. Judiciary
Section 16. Legal Education and Legal Profession
Major Data Sources

Все отзывы о книге Legal English: Check Yourself : сборник тестовых заданий (с ключами) к учебнику «Legal English: Quick Overview : Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции» для студентов бакалавриата

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Отрывок из книги Legal English: Check Yourself : сборник тестовых заданий (с ключами) к учебнику «Legal English: Quick Overview : Английский язык в сфере юриспруденции» для студентов бакалавриата

33that will lead to evidence. This is done through interrogatories anddepositions. Interrogatories are(8)questions answered by partiesnamed in the lawsuit. A deposition is where the lawyer will ask a per-son questions(9)to the lawsuit, often on videotape. In both interroga-tories and depositions all parties are under sworn oath.From the time the lawsuit is filed to the trial date, settlement of-fers may be made. This is where the lawyer(10)the defendant will of-fer a sum of money to the plaintiff to prevent the lawsuit from going totrial. If these offers are either not made or rejected the trial will pro-ceed. Depending on where the trial is(11)place there may be a pre-trial conference at this time. This is where all parties named in thesuit will appear in court to see if the claim can be(12)before a trial.Next the lawsuit will go to trial. This is where evidence is pre-sented to a judge (and sometimes a jury) and witnesses can be(13)under oath all with the intent of giving the court the informationneeded to rule in favor of either the plaintiff or the defendant.If the plaintiff(14)a lawsuit the judge(15)how much money theywill recover from the defendant. If the judge rules in favor of the de-fendant the trial(16)and the plaintiff gets no money.All parties involved in a lawsuit in civil court are entitled to(17)any decision if they feel an error in judgment had been made duringthe original trial.TASK 4.1. MATCH the words and the definitionsaccession, copyright, easement, fee simple, intangible, intellectualproperty, leasehold, life estate, owner, patent, personal property,property law, real property, royalty, service mark, succession,tangible property, trade secret, trademark, will1) absolute interest in land over which the holder has completefreedom of disposition during his life;2) action or process of inheriting property by one person afteranother;3) addition to land or property by natural in...

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