Базовый профессиональный английский язык

Базовый профессиональный английский язык

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Автор: Ольга Минина, Ольга Минина

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2020

Место издания: Москва|Берлин

ISBN: 978-5-4499-1303-6

Страниц: 160

Артикул: 76899

Возрастная маркировка: 12+

Печатная книга
Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 19.01.2025
Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Базовый профессиональный английский язык"

Данное учебное пособие представляет собой курс базового профессионального английского языка для молодых профессионалов и включает такие темы, как самопрезентация и написание резюме, университет (колледж) и специальность, академическая мобильность, исследовательская работа и ее презентация на английском языке. Пособие строится на реальных кейсах с использованием современных информационных технологий и предназначено для студентов бакалавриата и СПО различных направлений.

Содержание книги "Базовый профессиональный английский язык "

От редактора
Part 1
Unit 1. Self-presentation and CV
Unit 2. Studying at the University (College)
Unit 3. My specialty/career
Unit 4. Job interview and motivation letter
Part 2
Unit 5. Academic mobility
Unit 6. My research work
Unit 7. Writing Essays on scientific problems
Unit 8. Public speaking and presentations
Grammar tables
Grammar exercises
Flesh cards

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Отрывок из книги Базовый профессиональный английский язык

26 № Question Sample answers Your answer 2 Why did you apply for this job? I really like the job description and believe I can fit here, and bring some value to your team. I have the right education for this position, and I would enjoy working in the international environment. 3 Tell a few words about your education. I have studied at _______ I acquired knowledge of statistics, project management and accounting, beside many other subjects. I took part in projects and competitions we had at school. I believe that my education and internship that followed prepared me perfectly for a job in your company. 4 Do you have working experience? I have worked only at Walmart so far. But I learned a lot there, how to approach the customers, how to work with other people. I hope to get a better job now, and learn something new again. 5 Why should we hire you (and not someone else)? I had the very same job with one of your competitors, and I can bring a new perspective to your team. We can talk about things they did better, and I believe my feedback and experience will help to improve your own results. I am young, eager to learn, and motivated to work hard. I have passion for numbers, and I would really enjoy having this job. 6 What are your strengths? Responsibility is my greatest strength. I consider my job the first priority, and it has never happened to me that I came late to work, or that I did not finalize my tasks in time. My empathy also helped me in my volunteering experience in a nursing home, and I hope to use this strength in my career as a social worker. 7 What are your weaknesses? I am not very patient. That’s obviously bad. But I am working on it, trying to control myself, staying tolerant to my colleagues. It is not easy, but I have definitely made some progress in recent years. 8 What are your goals in five years time? I would like to have a managerial role in five years time. However, I understand that I need to learn a lot before it can happe...

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