Soft Skills Vocational English
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Место издания: Москва
ISBN: 978-5-4499-3735-3
Страниц: 144
Артикул: 103027
Краткая аннотация книги "Soft Skills Vocational English"
Учебное пособие представляет собой курс профессионального английского языка для СПО и вузов гуманитарной направленности, ориентировано на международные стандарты World skills и ставит своей целью совершенствование у учащихся навыков деловой коммуникации на английском языке для осуществления профессионального общения в международной среде. Пособие будет полезно при подготовке студентов к чемпионату World skills, обменным программам, лагерям, конференциям и соревнованиям. А также будет интересно для всех, кто планирует работать с международными партнерами, участвовать в зарубежных стажировках, конференциях и программах.
Содержание книги "Soft Skills Vocational English "
От автора
Part 1. Skills, competencies and professional development
Unit 1. WorldSkills International
Unit 2. WorldSkills Russia
Unit 3. Self-presentation and networking
Unit 4. Personal and professional achievements
Unit 5. Application and motivation letters
Unit 6. An interview in professional communication
Part 2. Developing projects
Unit 7. Ideas development
Unit 8. Project presentation and public speaking
Unit 9. The art of motivation
Unit 10. Business e-mail communication
Unit 11. Grant proposal
Part 3. Travelling and exchange programs
Unit 12. Transportation
Unit 13. Hotels and accommodation
Unit 14. Eating and meeting
Unit 15. Professional mobility and international programs
Appendix 1. Keys to exercises
Appendix 2. Flesh cards. Competencies and qualities
Appendix 3. Flesh cards. Food and products
Все отзывы о книге Soft Skills Vocational English
Отрывок из книги Soft Skills Vocational English
Think about when you were younger, and your ambi-tions. Maybe you wanted to become a doctor, so you studied hard, and you finally became a doctor. Perhaps you wanted to have a house with a big garden. Can you remember the day you fulfilled this dream? These are personal achievements and they give you the feeling of self-satisfaction, confidence, and happiness. Let us now take a look at your work achievements. When you have achievement at work it means that you are working towards goals normally set by others, but they can be set by yourself, too. Perhaps you have to reach a sales target, or you need to complete a project within a deadline, or perhaps you need to see clients or customers and help them in some way. If you succeed in helping them, or you reach your sales target, or you complete your project by the deadline, you have examples of achievements. Striving for achievements shows determination and tenacity. How can you show you have this competency? If you have a job interview and you want to demonstrate your achievements you need to think about different situations you have been in, the actions you have taken, and the results of these actions. Perhaps you have had a difficult customer, how have you dealt with that person? Did your action benefit your organization? In what way? If your results were successful, state this either in your job application, or in your interview. Think about the skills which you have which make you at-tractive and valuable as an employee. Remember the more achievement you can give as examples, the more you can sell and market yourself for the job. Assignment 6. • Analyze your achievements, outline them and speak about them with the group. • Discuss the following questions within the group: How do people choose their profession? How did you get/arrive to what you’re doing today? What’s your story?
Минина О. Г. другие книги автора
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