Fundamentals of Drawing

Fundamentals of Drawing

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Book 1

Автор: V. Mogilevtsev, Владимир Могилевцев

Форматы: PDF

Серия: Fundamentals of Art

Издательство: 4АРТ

Год: 2023

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

ISBN: 978-5-904957-05-6

Страниц: 74

Артикул: 103474

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Краткая аннотация книги "Fundamentals of Drawing"

Every novice artist faces two major tasks that they must accomplish during their training: to overcome fragmentary observation and to master a proper, step by step drawing method. The only way to achieve the first task is by making a lot of drawings and sketches. Constant and systematic practice is essential. The vision will eventually develop, as well as the ability to see things as a whole. The progress will depend entirely on the determination and the discipline of a student. Academic training must help achieve the second task. This book offers a certain method based on a thorough study of the Russian school of drawing, as well as the author’s own teaching and creative experience. This book consists of three parts. «Head» and «Figure» drawing exercises demonstrate the correct drawing methods in the first and in the second parts of this book. Students of art academies do these exercises to develop the basic knowledge about the depiction of the human body. The third part of this book offers a selection of classical images to help with the study of human form. This book is arranged in the following way: images illustrating steps of the drawing process are on the right side of the spread, and the commentary is on the left. The commentary consists of the text, diagrams, anatomical drawings and examples from art history. You will be able to see how the planar changes demonstrated in our schemes can be found in classical works of art. From my own experience I know that the only way to remember the information about form is by drawing it. That is why this book is intended not only for reading but also for practicing drawing. Take a sketching pad of the right size, follow the tasks step by step – and you will absorb the information, even without a model or an instructor.

Содержание книги "Fundamentals of Drawing "

Step by step process of creating a drawing
I. Concept
Choice of materials
II. Rough drawing
Tonal value relationships
III. Construction based on a rough drawing
IV. Defining the Details
1. Eyes
2. Nose
3. Mouth and Chin
4. Forehead
5. Modeling the form with planar changes
6. Neck and Shoulders
V. Final Step
Step by step process of creating a drawing
I. Concept
Choice of materials
II. Rough drawing
Tonal value relationships
III. Construction based on a rough drawing
IV. Defining the Details
1. Torso
2. Head
3. Arms and Hips
4. Knees
5. Feet
V. Final Step, Conclusion
Samples for studying

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Отрывок из книги Fundamentals of Drawing

fundamentals of drawing38SketchA sketch solves the following tasks: com-position, proportions, gesture and tonal re- lationships.When determining the composition, decide what kind of drawing we shall create: with a background, with a partial background or with a plain background. It depends on the lighting, the surroundings and the amount of time we have to complete a drawing. Our drawing will have a plain background. We start the sketch with setting the dimensions. The proportions of the sketch should be si-milar to the proportions of the future draw-ing. There should be some space between the sketch and the edge of the paper; it will enable an easy adjustment of a composition.The gesture of the figure is ideally based on the first impression, because during the long hours of posing the model will often change their positions.The placement of the figure within the sheet should emphasize the gesture, internal state of the model and distinct physical features.Make sure the proportions of the figure are accurate.Establish tonal relationships since they influ-ence the expressiveness of the drawing. It is difficult to convey the gesture without them. Determine the major and the secondary ele-ments of your drawing.Common mistake: If the drawing is ill-conceived it turns out to be poorly designed, dull and uninteresting.It is necessary to think over with what mate- rials, on what kind of paper (toned or white) the drawing will be rendered. The combina-tion of paper and materials must be aesthet-ically pleasing and evoke emotions.The choice of materials depends on the size of the image. A pencil is better suited for small drawings, it is more convenient for modeling small details. Soft materials (charcoal, sepia, sanguine) are chosen for larger drawings, it speeds up the process.Our drawing is created on a sketching board, 40 × 60 cm (16" × 24") in size; the material used is graphite pencil and a paper, toned a shade of warm grey with watercolor.Choice of m...

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